Today's hike (with photos!)

Today was mainly a nice long walk in the woods, followed by some quality couple time. And by that I mean we folded the laundry together. :)

My fitbit says I did 8.2 miles, but the fitbit lies. I find that the step count is right but the mileage is too generous. I think it uses the steps to just estimate how many miles I went, so probably more like 7. However, I found a great overlook and the ruins of an actual castle, so I can't complain. Next weekend I hope to return to that park and do the other trail I didn't get to.


I also realized that a multi-town hiking trail goes through this park, and if you do all the sections of this trail, you get a patch. It's honor system but still. There's another little goal for me. If there's a patch I'll do just about anything. ;) Just about.

Last time I was at the library I saw a book called Adulting by Kelly Williams Brown. Apparently, it will make me a functional adult in 468 easy(ish) steps. Now, I'm not a total disaster. I have managed to keep myself alive and out of financial ruin up to now, so I feel like most of this stuff I will (hopefully) know, but that doesn't mean I don't have a few things to learn. I read the first couple of chapters tonight.

Chapter 1 is short. It's basically (seems to me, anyway) for recent college grads. The world doesn't owe you anything. You're not that special. But appreciate the people who think you are. Roll with the punches. Understand that there are things you can control and things you can't. Stuff like that. Got it. I knew that already. ;)

Chapter 2 is about domesticity. Now... I am not a great housekeeper. I've gotten better, really. In my defense, I lived alone with a cat or two from the ages of 21 until this past summer, so nobody really cared if I left out piles of papers or clean laundry or whatever. I dropped stuff where I wanted to. I picked it up when I was having company. I stayed on top of dishes (I like washing dishes), laundry (I like doing laundry), and bathrooms (I don't like this but I feel like it needs to be done more urgently than other things). Boyfriend is Very Organized. He has systems, and then there are systems within the systems. Everything has a spot, it's all very logical, and he never loses anything. I've really tried to adapt to his ways because... honestly, I don't think I can ask him to be messier for me. I mean, I did kind of try but it didn't go over too well. So what did I learn from chapter 2? We already have a nice apartment, we already have the basic (and not-basic) tools. She says to make your bed every morning, because it makes the bedroom look nicer and you'll feel more "control over your universe." Except that when I leave the house, someone else is still in the bed, so I'll have to live without having that much control. And she talks about having some sort of cleaning schedule to follow. Usually I just kind of sweep through and do things as they need to be done, but that's a better idea. Martha Stewart has checklists for things that should happen monthly and weekly. Maybe I should start by looking at those.

Next chapters: Cooking and something called Fake It Till You Make It.

Still reading Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe. Still listening to The Year of the Hare

Oh, and this just happened... Boyfriend melted the plastic thing that you cover microwave dishes with to the stove burner. And I was the one who figured out how to get it cleaned up. Chrissy 1, Universe still at 382,473. But I'm closing the gap. ;)


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